Not only do believers have faith on their side, but they have “witnesses” of God’s Word. Holy Scripture contains numerous examples that witness to the existence of angels and their manifestations in relation to the fulfillment of particular missions. T... Read more
by BJ Gonzalvo, Ph.D. The Rs and Rs of a Retreat A retreat is something we all could use in our busy, fast, and furious lives. Amidst the chaos and cacophony of modern life, sometimes we just need to make the time and the space to retreat and just rest, relax, reset, re... Read more
Orphan Deacon Delivers Mary: Pregnant with Marvel and Mercy
Orphan Deacon Delivers Mary: Pregnant with Marvel and MercyAS PUNCTUAL AS they come, Ate Taki and Si... Read more
World Meeting of Families 2022: Full text of Pope Francis’ address at the Festival of Families
VATICAN— Here is the full text of Pope Francis’ address at the Festival of Families during the... Read more