(Credit: www.vaticannews.va)
By Mariel Celine L. Serquiña
October 25, 2021
Manila, Philippines
Admitting to one’s “vulnerabilities” is part of our formation as disciples of Jesus and missionaries, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle said.
In his homily during Mass for this year’s World Mission Sunday on Oct. 24, he said that “we cannot be good disciples and missionaries if we have a lot of illusions [and] pretension”.
“We need to accept our vulnerability before Jesus,” said Tagle, prefect of the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples, at the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome.
“It is a humble mission [to] admit that I do not know many things and that I do not see things clearly all the time. We should all admit that all of us have blind spots,” he said.
Catholics were also called on to proclaim the Catholic faith with “joy and conviction.”
“Since we have heard and witnessed Jesus, I hope we all passionately proclaim His works — This is the spirit of mission,” he said.
The cardinal also called on the faithful to help in the formation of priests, catechists and religious, mission for the support of children, and in reaching out to the peripheries.
World Mission Sunday is the pope’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue.
Established by Pope Pius XI in 1926, the day always falls on the second to last Sunday every October.
The theme Pope Francis has chosen for this year is: “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
SOURCE: www.cbcpnews.net