Golden buzzer moments on talent shows touch the ears first before the judging starts. The ovation sets the tone, after which the reason why the button was pressed. Then the mouth-cupping, th... Read more
There are in our lives periods of strife that threaten to drive the sanity out but for the ever-present grace headstrong to define our will as challenge-impaired. A hesitation seemed to chan... Read more
The explosions in Quiapo that killed two and injured others are still facing a blank wall. Putting the congratulations to waste, leaving in the mouth a bad taste. Misdemeanors seem to merit... Read more
It was almost like a remembered task that one thought he had put off for later but thankfully delivered itself like a reminder. It also came after vespers. The only way to receive was throug... Read more
“Lighten up your load,” I told my wife while telling myself that the mutual message works wonders. She has been down in the dumps because business was bad and the help quit but i... Read more
It was November of 2009 when I met the man. He was a surprise even if I sensed the drumroll under the current of his droll hilarity. I was blessed to have chosen a front seat because he did... Read more
When you are down and out and nothing seems to reach the end of patience you resign without chagrin because you feel that there is at day’s end a conversation that will wipe the toil a... Read more