SEPTEMBER 8 DOES not need a memory aid. Its essence is etched in Marian minds as the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, it was not astonishing to find her faithful devotees assembled at the 6 am Mass and, later, at the Spiritus Hall to pay homage to the Lord’s Mother through the praying of 2000 Hail Marys. Even if the throng that gathered in church dwindled and trickled throughout the 12-hour-long vigil to the Virgin Mother but, no matter, the Legion of Mary was ready for any eventuality. While some paired off with non-members who were obviously there on their own, the others served as ushers to see that everyone was apprised of the protocol and keep the novena orderly.
Legionary Couple Domeng and Mila Mendoza, whose devotion to Mary gave birth to the project, had already committed their presence to the occasion, greatly buoyed by the tremendous support of fellow members. The pair of hundred-beaded rosaries was shortly installed on the kneelers, for the pray-ers to avail themselves of. And at a little past 7 am, the invocations started with the 4 mysteries of the Holy Rosary by the tandems of Ates Daisy and Remy (Joyful); Sisters Pinky and Au (Luminous); Kuya Ham and Ate Isa (Sorrowful); and Ates Mila and Becky (Glorious).
Afterward, the following pairs took turns in expressing their love through 100 Hail Marys in accordance with their schedules: Ates Daisy and Thelma P; Sis Tess and Ate Minda M; Ates Isa and Becky; Sis Pinky and Ate Claire G; Sis Liza and Ate Letty I; couple Daisy and Regie; Ates Myla and Linda R; Ates Letty I and Minda M; Sis Gelly and Kuya Ham; Ate Emma and Sis Tess; Ates Isa and Lirio A; Sis Pinky and Ate Pat M; Sis Liza and Kuya Noel; Ates Zeny and Myla; Sis Carrot and Ate Taki; Srs. Mitch and Toni; Ates Becky and DJ couple Malou and Noel; and Ate Mila and Sis Gelly.
What was amazing was that, in accordance with their austere preparations, the Legionaries played the project by ear, praying that the blanks opposite the Legionaries’ names would be filled in by the Holy Spirit. And filled the blanks were, by volunteers from different groups who were affiliated with the Holy Mother. Such that the slots found pleasant partnerships between nuns, mother and daughter, husband and wife, and friends. No blank slot remained unfilled. The novel undertaking that would have fazed first-time triers played out like a well-oiled Marian machine until its ultimate fruition.
The litany concluded the 2000 Ave Marias with the blessing of Fr. Abe Arganiosa as a fitting lid of the lovely, loving Marian tradition, a first in the history of BF Homes-based Legion of Mary. (The erstwhile Cenacle Ladies Group instituted their own version, and the DMI had their style of the same sometime back.) While the novena ended, the regulation 6 pm Mass was celebrated by Fr. Abe, hammering home the honor given the birthday celebrator. A fellowship followed after the Mass, where the earlier thin crowd ballooned to a banquet-sized bulk. Like the Cana wedding, where the last of the guests had no more wine to drink, and Mary defied her Son’s rebuff, to tell the waiters to do whatever Jesus told them. As simple as her Anawim lineage allowed, Mary would have been profusely pleased by the multiplication of the crowd. As her Legion was.