EUPHORIC MOMENTS HAVE been filling my days ever since the last Friday of November when I went through the Basic Formation Seminar for Lectors and Commentators at the Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Urduja Village, Caloocan City. Along with me were some Ates of San Jose

to faithful service. And so, my first-ever service fell on the Feast of her Immaculate Conception, a Friday after my seminar completion. But that’s getting ahead of the mystery. Before my ordained foray back in the sanctuary (I was EMHC for some time until I felt I wasn’t cut out to administer the Sacred Host), Ates Leonor, Irene and Leiba and Manay Merlin conspired to get a few of the recent graduates through a practicum (Simbang Gabi was looming ahead and they were short of servers) and were satisfied with our show. Not a very long story, I was soon hoisting the Lectionary in the regulation procession to the altar. But before that, a significant sidelight.

Aware that I should be there ahead of my 6 am service, I was up two hours earlier than the time, went through my morning routine and was soon walking the still dim streets of BF Homes. There was no sound or sight of a trike until I got to Delgado. Halfway through, I sang “Immaculate Mother”. No sooner had its first line finished than I heard motor running behind me. I turned and, in the haze, saw a tricycle and hailed it. Upon closer look, it didn’t have the white-number-on-green-body mark of motorized bikes that ply the village. It stopped anyway and the driver asked where I was headed. Dumbfounded, I answered “towards the church”. He said he was going that way, too, and asked me to hop on. I did after saying – sincerely – that he was from heaven sent. And I gave him my blessing before I dismounted.

As in the practicum, my fellow servers in the sacristy were helpful and instructive I only needed so much as