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A Purgatory of Purgatory? The word “purgatory” evokes in the mind of many Catholics a place of torment, a painful place of waiting where those who are already saved, yet not totally, await t... Read more
The First Murder The Bible tells the story that sometime after being driven out of Paradise, Adam and Eve bore two sons, Cain and Abel (Gen 4). The elder was dedicated to agriculture while t... Read more
Christian Problem, Jewish Roots The Bible is not a book, as some people believe. Rather, it is a library. It is made up of 73 books. Some of them are long, such as the book of the prophet Is... Read more
Princes of the Church A cardinal is a senior ecclesiastical leader, an ecclesiastical prince, and usually (now always for those created when still within the voting age-range) an orda... Read more
A Sunday dogma Those who attend Mass on Sundays, after listening to the homily of the priest, take part in praying the Creed, that is, they recite aloud the list of the articles of faith, wh... Read more
The Missing Commandment Many Catholics oftentimes feel ashamed when talking with Christians of Protestant origin or members of some other sect, who reproach them using imag... Read more
Post credit to Manila Bulletin / Fr. Bel R. San Luis, SVD St. Augustine of Hippo once said that the Catholic Church is of divine institution but human in composition. Despite the frailties... Read more
VARYING OPINIONS It is common knowledge that Jesus had many temptations in his life. We know this for two reasons. First, because the Bible says that he was like man in everything (Heb 2:17)... Read more
I have often wondered how I can tell if my confession was effective. How do I know that I was truly forgiven after my confession? What do I receive in the Sacrament of Confession? Answer: To... Read more
1. Is it true that those who pass in front of the Eucharist must always genuflect? If yes, why? If no, why not? Not necessarily although preferred. One may bow too. These are signs of... Read more